Monday, December 10, 2007

Ruff Yoga

There is a story on PBS right now about pampered pooches. To quote the narrator, some of the practitioners of so-called ruff yoga "see human-like traits in their pooches..." and treat them accordingly.

I have read about yoga for dogs in the past. In theory, it seemed like a great idea. Rodan's sun salutation is awe-inspiring. I have actually watched her as she progresses from downward to upward facing dog. So, believing the integrity of the DOG was forefront, I always thought yoga for dogs would be a great, fun idea.

Nope. From the video I just saw it is human's manipulating the paws of their pups to make it look like they are doing yoga.

Brett joined me for yoga on Friday night. It was his first class and I think he liked it. If nothing else, now he understands my "workout."

I have found two yoga teachers that I really like at the MAC. Shelley and Steve are great - far more fitness-focused than I am accustomed to from my earlier Kripalu training but overall they lead with a gentle touch. And, I don't find myself hating them in the middle of a postural flow. That's a yoga "good thing."

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