Saturday, December 22, 2007

Countdown to Xmas

I love this quote from a story about a christmas tree farm in Belvedere, New York:

“They’d tie a piece of baler twine across my lap so I wouldn’t slide off the tractor seat and tell me to steer for that tree across the field,” said John C. Wyckoff, 41, recalling his own time on rock duty as a young boy.

The little green apron store was HOPPIN' today. Reportedly, this is the busiest shopping day of the year and I was on my toes from start to finish. I arrived home to a houseful of extended family - hooray!!

Our holiday cards began appearing in the mailboxes of friends and families today. On average, American families receive and send approximately 28 cards at this time of year. We mailed 31 (which, unfortunately, was not everybody on my list but it was already December 21st). Ten cents from each card was donated to St. Jude Children's Hospital, a very worthy cause; our's features a drawing by seven-year-old Belle of a peace angel. I irreverently added a photo of Griffin sticking out his tongue and Bela squirming away from him. I hope it will give everyone a chuckle.

To the side of this post is an advertisement I helped write for a very cool new photographic studio in Old Town, the capital city's creative hub. The studio has an IKEA stainless steel kitchen that I am hoping to one day install here up in our crib. Luckily, I may be able to get some freelance work going with the studio to pay for this endeavor.

It's A Wonderful Life, my favorite holiday movie, was not on television tonight, sadly. I had hoped that it might be, despite the fact it aired last Friday. I am still hopeful that it might be on again tomorrow night, or even on Monday. We did, however, watch two great movies on DVD this week - Super Bad and Sicko by Michael Moore. Super Bad was over-the-top with the crude sex-humor but also hilariously reminiscent of high school (and, I thought it was ultimately not really advocating teen sex because nobody actually "goes all the way," even the nerdy kid who is destined for Dartmouth.) Sicko, an indictment primarily of the health insurance scam, I mean system, in the United States, was scary. Canada, England, and France have all made much better choices about how to treat their fellow man.

I'm off to eat some cookies before bed... just like Santa Claus!

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