Friday, December 7, 2007

In Retrospect...

Okay, so after my post about "squeeze free" parenting, some calls and emails have come in from people who know me, who know my kids, and know my parenting style, and the consensus is that I am being far too hard on myself.


I will concede the following: ruthless perfectionism is my operating style; everything is always about me, even when it is not about me; and I would do anything for those I love, especially my ultravulnerable little children.

Okay, so now I will acknowledge that maybe those three "facts" are not grounded in logic; maybe they are values that do not adhere to any sound principles; and perhaps I need to relax.

In the inimitable words of one of my high school buddies:

"Sometimes you just gotta say F it. And then F it."

A statement that was made to me half my life ago but probably no truer words were ever spoken. Of course he didn't say F. That's an adaptation I have made since being a MOM.

Anyway, I am off to eat some peppermint stick ice cream - my second helping today because 'tis the season!

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