Friday, November 30, 2007

Batman is ... DEAD!!!

The Dark Knight was killed today. He succumbed to the vicious lips of our newest housemate, (S)Moochy.

After the dogs muddied up the floors, I sent them to the basement playroom to chill while Bela napped. I heard them barking and ramming the door so I took them a bowl of water and it was then that I saw a horrific sight. Stuffing everywhere; Bruce Wayne's alter ego laying limp upon the floor. I gasped for a full minute. "What did you do?" I implored. There was no question in my mind, or that of my canine companions, who had done this deed. (S)Moochy hung his head in shame, almost as if he were awaiting a smack on the nose. I spared him, saying only "I need to blog about this!" as I ascended the stair.

His body will be laid to rest quickly and without fanfare. I shall use one of the trash bags our own young hero likes to fashion into capes.

Woo-hoo!! Mary Jane Heppner-Gamble, a locally renowned creative movement teacher has agreed to come to Griffin's 5th birthday party to teach the youngsters how to move like superheroes. I am so excited because the kid tends to get the shaft as his birthday is only ten days before you-know-who's birthday. Griffin's party will rock!!! Take that, Jesus! (kidding, of course).

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