Monday, November 26, 2007

Quote of the Day

Today's quote is from Life Coach Hal Runkel, the creator of Screamfree Parenting. I hope to someday write a little about why I like this system and how I learned about it, but for now, here it is....

"While your children certainly need your guidance, they don’t need you to need them. This ironically increases the amount of stress that your child faces. Think about it: Placing your own sense of significance on the shoulders of your children is not a loving thing to do at all."

Toddler Bela is tearing apart the house, I'm trying to write a menu and grocery list, and we all need some breakfast. So, for now, adieu.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree. I hope I have not put too much burden on my children, both of whom I love very much.
Great posts, always look forward to them