Wednesday, November 14, 2007

All Quiet on the Blogging Front

So the posts have been rather slow to appear lately. Why, I ask myself. Have I begun to already lose interest in blogging? Am I really that much busier, and if that is the case, what, pray tell, have I been doing?? No, I think the main problem is that I don't know who the audience is for this thing -- if I even want there to be one. Very few people know The Jolly Mama exists.

At the outset I had two, competing thoughts about this issue of audience. First, I wanted to use it to show potential employers that I was comfortable with writing on the Web. One freelance gig said it was "favorable" for candidates to write their own blog. All well and good. Here is The Jolly Mama, the carefully edited day-after-day-in-the-life of a mom and her two kids, told through the framework of the mom's interests -- yoga, kids' television, etc.

I also thought it would be a good way to keep friends and family, both near and far, abreast of our antics and adventures. What a great way to post photos -- something I am notoriously bad at sharing with everyone! The blog has been a good memory keeper for me, as well. A benefit that I hadn't fully considered beforehand.

But, in the end, it has been consistency -- the boogeyman of effective mothering -- that has tripped me up. Just jotting something -- anything -- down everyday. Devoting just 15 minutes to a single task. Not caring if it is not perfect. Arrrggghhh! Well, carry on, I say. Carry on.

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