Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday, Monday

We had excitement here on the homefront this past weekend. Water and fire. There was a leak under the kitchen sink that Brett fixed on Friday night/Saturday morning. Then a rogue element burned our yard waste bags the next night. On Sunday morning, I found a pile of burning embers where the bags of clippings had been hours before.

Griffin had a nightmare last night, and afterwards I dreamed of sleep being tiny scraps that I could put on and wear.

Brett and I have watched some great movies recently: I Am Legend and Invasion (a modern version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers). I Am Legend will be screened at Valley Park later this month. I would love to go see it under the stars but the 9:30 start time is a little late for a Thursday (is that not pathetic?!?) Invasion starred Nicole Kidman as a mom who would do anything to save her darling son, Oliver.

We'll go see the new Batman movie this weekend. Yay for the marketing of the movie; we're able to find lots of Batman merchandise for Griffin that we ordinarily never would have found. Grandma Beth is going to bring us batman shoes when she comes over this weekend. I'm even hoping to find a little batgirl shirt for Bela when I go out shopping.

The birthday swag has been coming in. I have to decide how to spend $20 at World Market, DSW sent me a $5 coupon for new shoes, and Beaners mailed me a voucher for a free coffee.

I've recently added a profile on Facebook, and tonight went searching for friends. Oddly I found my friend Megan (who sent me a wonderful birthday card!) but under her maiden name and living in Ohio. The strangest discovery was someone with my husband's name, living in our town. I suggested that if he has a double life, this may be the time to let me know.

Tomorrow is the day my birthday present comes! I'm getting cable. The sheer joy of having DVR and the Daily Show is delighting me to no end! We'll even be able to record the new PBS show, Martha Speaks, based on the books about the alphabet soup-eating dog, when it begins airing on Labor Day.

I'm working extra long hours, reading loads, but at home I have been reading the same book since April. For tonight, I'll go read another page or two in the Audacity of Hope and maybe finish it before the election.

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