Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm Home Today

I'm home. Because of a nasty little summer cold, I left work early. After being there for one hour, in fact. I went in to the office only to finish a chapter and turn in my timesheet (although I'm a salaried employee, I submit a weekly timesheet to show the hours I have worked on different projects). Anyway, as I walked out of the building, I had a little feeling of liberation, kinda like I'm getting away with something a la Courtney Thorne-Smith's character in Summer School, who claims she is getting her period in order to get out of class and go surfing. Of course, now that I am home, I have a pang of guilt that my babies are not with me. I feel that perhaps I should not be lounging, but cleaning. And, I can't even listen to the NPR parlor discussion of the veep race because of the blasted web interface on Bah! It reminds me of Griffin's new favorite joke, which goes something like this:

Him: Knock knock
Me: Who's There?
Him: Boo
Me: Boo Who?
Him: Don't cry, it's only a joke!

He's getting very good at telling jokes, which I interpret to mean he's growing up.
Before I left work today I told my co-worker a story about Bela going to bed with a Scooby Doo book. She was curled up with it several hours later when we went in to check on her. I love that I have kids who like books that much. Griffin now has his own library card for the ELPL. Last night, needing some mom time, he and I went up there and came within six books of the weekly checkout limit.

Also, it appears that the email notification is not working. I dunno what's up with that but maybe I'll check into it (then again, maybe I won't :)

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