Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Oh My!

At the beginning of Jon and Kate Plus Eight, the mother says "Today I very well could lose my mind." I think that sums up how I feel somedays, although the past two days with the kids have been great. I've been feeling like a radiantly peaceful feeling...with them. When I went to Old Town on my lunch hour yesterday, I had an "incident" with a mother-daughter upper class shopping team. When I told Brett about it later, I used a word I've never used before and I'm not even sure how it is spelled (starts with t, ends in t, there is a w, I'm just not sure what the vowel is, okay is that enough letters to help you figure out the word, and are you in as much shock as I am that I called someone that?!?) Anyway, the incident occurred as I stepped into my favorite store, October Moon, behind the women, and the older woman CLOSED THE DOOR IN MY FACE. Yeah, so what did Little Miss Tart Tongue do? I shoved the door, pushing her. Really. Who am I? The other night, I refused ice cream as my after-dinner treat. I think it is has to do with being 33. My Starbucks choice has changed too (don't you love the headline of the linked article?). Instead of the Mocha that I have preferred for the better part of the last ten years, I am now choosing cappuccinos. I'm even reading online cappuccino machine reviews in another tab. Yummmm.... I can just imagine having a steaming mugga mugga (bigger than a cuppa cuppa).
Happy Birthday Megan the Goddess!!!!! Welcome to 33!
Obviously, I have decided not to do any housecleaning on my "day off." No, I'm nourishing myself with the Internet and cable TV. The rain has cleared up; the sun is trying to shine. I'm eating a burrito with some tequila salsa made with real blue agave. I was leery, but it is excellent.

Oh, here is the funniest thing I have read this week. For the full article, visit Dear Parents: Please Relax, It's Just Summer Camp.

“They’ll give their child two cellphones, so if they get caught with the first one, ‘Just give it up and you’ll have the second one to talk to me,’"

The article goes on to say that the behavior the parents are engaging in is widespread and indicates a "fading parental morality. What they’re doing is entering into delinquent behaviors with their children. And what kind of statement is that to a child?” Which makes me wonder, what negative behaviors am I teaching G and B?

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