Bela was doing downward facing dog and listening to an Ella Fitzgerald CD earlier tonight. Then, after bathtime, she danced naked around the living room while The Pretenders played. I just broke the news to Brett that she will undoubtedly want to be a princess for Halloween this year.
Yesterday Griffin made mudpies and today, a water slide at the school he and Bela share. And how is this for lucky? Griffin recently got his very own library card and we checked out six books. (I'm Dirty; Dimity Dumpty; a Thai counting book that was absolutely beautiful but I can't remember the name; a very old Easter bunny book; The Secret Life of Walter Kitty--hilarious!; and one more...) Anyway, the books were due Monday. I put the library tote bag in the car over the weekend, intending to return them then. Alas, it didn't happen. Then, I planned to return them Monday morning before heading to work. Again, didn't happen. The next day, when the books would have been officially overdue, the library was closed because there was no power! They will be re-opening tomorrow. Terrible for the library but what a stroke of luck for Griffin's perfect record. Just like Jacob Two-Two and the library ninja!
I am in a very cheerful mood today. Brett and I watched My Name is Earl, featuring one of my old favorites "Girlfriend in a Coma." Although it is a great lyrical masterpiece, I think my happy feeling is because I got to see some of my friends this week.
On Saturday, Bela, Griff, and I went out to dinner with my friend Amy and her family. The time passed so quickly. Great company! Amy's husband, John, suggested the following technical point for email notifications. Check out this site to sign up to receive notifications by email http://www.shootthebreeze.net/blogalert/index.php. Copy and paste this address into the url line: http://thejollymama.blogspot.com/atom.xml. I'm testing it.
I saw my friend Sara K. and her two adorable curly heads twice this week. I had expected to see her today when we picked up our half of the CSA that we share, but I also unexpectedly saw her on Monday when I went to the grocery store on my lunch hour. It was fun! I got to give little Jonny-Banany a banana!
The CSA was a wonderful bonanza of fresh stuff! I couldn't get over how much stuff we got, although to be perfectly honest, it was a lot of greens. Arugula, lettuce, spinach, chives, and something called tuoi choi, which I am guessing is like bok choy. I was singing "Baby Arugula, swims along in the big green farm," to the tune of Baby Beluga after we came home. Griff's friend Kali was here and I'm not sure they loved it as much as Foo Fighters. I do love that the video appears to have been shot at the Lincoln Park Zoo though.
We also had a neighborhood meeting this week to discuss a potential "pocket park." There are two locations that have been proposed. I don't have a particular preference as both sites need to be preserved as green space and developed as park land. I have, however, had visions of the cul-de-sac area turned into a parklike destination...and you can't mess with my second sight.
My other vision recently has been of my three college friends (Meg, Mary, and Sara F.) here at my house to watch the Michigan-Michigan State game; and the wall between our kitchen and dining room has come down. I always imagine Ronald Reagan saying "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" when I think of the future remodel, but I digress. Anyway, after the neighborhood meeting, the "new" neighbor across the street invited some of us inside. Their remodeled kitchen has been on my mind ever since. It is beautiful!
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