Thursday, February 21, 2008


Not to be confused with the semi-colon-oscopy (do I have something wrong with my brain that I enjoy scatalogical humour?!? Or was it the way I was raised? Afterall, my bro sent me a forwarded email yesterday entitled "Never trust a fart." But, I digress...)

The story "Celebrating the Semi-Colon in a Most Unlikely Location" was the #1 most popular article on NYTimes yesterday. This is significant because it is a story all about grammar in the gritty streets of Gotham.

It is also significant because yesterday I was offered a full-time position as a textbook editor. Woohoo!!! The job is with the Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association and is contingent upon the successful completion of a background check. There are no skeletons in my closet so methinks it is a done deal. For all of my puffery, I really do take a dim view of criminality.

Anyway, EI, as it is called, appears to be a very family-friendly environment. Part of my benefits package includes 10 vacation and 10 PTO (paid time off) days per year. Use it or lose it! Some people even bring their kids to work with them when the babysitter is sick, etc. Plus they like grammar and can probably appreciate things like a semi-colon used correctly. I've found my niche!

If you see my kids in the next 24 hours, however, do NOT mention the job. I am sure they sense something is up. Griffin told me today that Bela can have his old turtle backpack for "when she goes to school." And on our tour of Eastminster Child Development Center today, Bela refused to be anywhere but my arms for the first 30 minutes (which explains why my shoulders are killing me now). Brett and I are going to take the wee minis out to dinner, drive to the new office, and give them the news tomorrow night.

You, dear reader, are the first to know. Sort of, anyway. There is Griffin's nursery school teacher and some neighbors and all of the LansingMoms yahoo group - these were all places where I went to get leads on daycare options. And I can only relate this news where I can type it since G&B can't read yet.

1 comment:

sodi said...

Congrats on the new job, can't wait to hear about it.