Bela with a grape jelly mustache reminiscent of Salvador Dali.
Why Dali on my baby doll? Read on...
I've been diggin' art for awhile. When I worked downtown, I frequently visited galleries on my lunch hour to gaze at the work of Barbara Hranilovich, David Korte, and Mary Brodbeck. And, since the local art festival this past summer, Brett & I have been IN LOVE with the work of Kathleen Murphy Willer.
But this week Griffin had a field trip to the local art museum. He kept telling me, "I HATE art!"
Accckkk!! To which I *calmly* replied, "But you love the book about Mr. Monet. He made art." I also introduced him to Salvador Dali, whom I like, but I really thought Griffin would get a kick out of his wacky art and handlebar mustache. I even found an amazing website gallery that deserves a serious look. He seemed not-so-interested so I dropped it.
Turns out he was paying attention! His teacher told me afterwards that he asked the tour guide if they had any art by Salvador Dali (he remembered the whole name!) Lest I ever forget, these children are sponges and I can be ambrosia or acid. My choice.
In other art news: MSU has announced the winner of its design contest for the new multi-million dollar Eli & Edythe Broad Art Museum: Zaha Hadid, an international star of the architecture field who has designed only one other building in the United States. A great article with photos of her inspiring, spectacular designs is available through the weekly newspaper, City Pulse.
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