We've made bunches of Flip video movies that I'll share now that I've gotten the hang of it.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My Favorite Song
My oldest friend, Molls, emailed me a song that her daughter and husband recorded. It's hilarious! Both Griffin and Bela got a huge kick out of it. The lyrics go something like "hey, hey, hey!" which are not too bad for someone who is not yet even three years old. Anyway, good luck to Miss Molly and her family as they will very soon welcome home a new little baby. I think it is a boy, but we shall see after 8/29!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Oh Come On Already!!!
For the past 15 minutes, I have had my cell phone open, ready and waiting for THE announcement. I predict it will not come until after 8:00 this evening, which would be a huge pain in the arse. It would also be very interesting since we will be entertaining tonight. Our friends are Obamaniacs and also very hip to this texting thing. I remember a few years ago when we were getting ready to go out to see a movie and Jodi told the babysitter to text her if she had a concern about the kids. Sheer brilliance! It should be interesting when four cell phones begin going off at the designated hour.
Anyway, I considered sending some of you fake text messages à la Wonkette, but I couldn’t decide who would be funny as the unreal veep choice (I was leaning toward Griffin; he has a lot of leadership qualities, although he would not be ready to serve, in a constitutional sense, for another 30 years). The Wonkette site is quite funny (for example, I like the word “fuckery”) but, on several levels, the “Obamatard” label turns me off. Evidently, the writer hasn’t read Tim Shriver’s excellent Wash Post piece about such hurtful words.
So... 28 minutes and counting. My cell battery is probably going to die if I keep this up. The other part of “Oh Come On Already!!!” is this neverending day. I’m exhausted because I’ve been keeping some late hours this week and I’m ready to do absolutely nothing more (although it might be hard to do less than what I’ve been doing all day).
I'm still hoping that Gore will somehow be the veep choice but Biden is growing on me. Check out this very nice op-ed by David Brooks today.
Anyway, I considered sending some of you fake text messages à la Wonkette, but I couldn’t decide who would be funny as the unreal veep choice (I was leaning toward Griffin; he has a lot of leadership qualities, although he would not be ready to serve, in a constitutional sense, for another 30 years). The Wonkette site is quite funny (for example, I like the word “fuckery”) but, on several levels, the “Obamatard” label turns me off. Evidently, the writer hasn’t read Tim Shriver’s excellent Wash Post piece about such hurtful words.
So... 28 minutes and counting. My cell battery is probably going to die if I keep this up. The other part of “Oh Come On Already!!!” is this neverending day. I’m exhausted because I’ve been keeping some late hours this week and I’m ready to do absolutely nothing more (although it might be hard to do less than what I’ve been doing all day).
I'm still hoping that Gore will somehow be the veep choice but Biden is growing on me. Check out this very nice op-ed by David Brooks today.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Promises, promises
When Griffin, Bela, and I came home tonight (and didn't have a bath), we watched a little bit of the Olympics and had a snack of brownies and milk. Of course, both children wanted more brownies (they are my chocolate-soaked spawn!) and I promised Griff that I would put one in his lunch for tomorrow. My dilemma now is that I either (a) fulfill the promise to my firstborn and deprive myself, (b) bake another batch! or (c) fail miserably in the promisemaking department, yet satisfy my sweet tooth (I think I have more than one actually). --also, can you tell that I've been working on writing test questions for my textbooks at work???-- Oh, what will I do? What will I do?
A Big Glass of Wine
Brett is working late tonight, and it's quite obvious that I'm the slacker in this relationship. Ordinarily, Griffin and Bela are in bed by 8:00; typically, they've been bathed. Ha! Not tonight. I've just put the kids to bed. I should now be cleaning up from dinner and making lunches for tomorrow. Instead, I am drinking wine, watching CNN, and blogging, but alas I am only me. Which reminds me, I found a couple of mom blogs today that made me laugh: http://www.whitetrashmom.com and http://finslippy.typepad.com/.
Anyway, after dinner, the little Picketts and I went for a walk around the neighborhood.
Depending on which of us you ask, it was
(a) a spy mission,
(b) an errand to return borrowed stuff, or
(c) "yellow??" (yep, that would be Bela's favorite word).
--on a side note, I read an article today that suggested it would be better blog writing to vary up the formats of my posts, which I don't disagree with, but at the same time that's more work... Golly, I am lazy. :) I don't even feel like re-working that sentence to make it make sense.
Anyhoo, despite the fact that I was dressed all in black like the bookish ninja I really am, Griffin thinks I am a terrible spy. Whatever! We did, however, meet the new neighbors, the Fletchers, who are very nice. Griffin and their kindergartener hit it right off. There are at least two other households that are new in Walnut Heights (and one has a neighor that waves! which delights me to no end!!!).
Anyway, after dinner, the little Picketts and I went for a walk around the neighborhood.
Depending on which of us you ask, it was
(a) a spy mission,
(b) an errand to return borrowed stuff, or
(c) "yellow??" (yep, that would be Bela's favorite word).
--on a side note, I read an article today that suggested it would be better blog writing to vary up the formats of my posts, which I don't disagree with, but at the same time that's more work... Golly, I am lazy. :) I don't even feel like re-working that sentence to make it make sense.
Anyhoo, despite the fact that I was dressed all in black like the bookish ninja I really am, Griffin thinks I am a terrible spy. Whatever! We did, however, meet the new neighbors, the Fletchers, who are very nice. Griffin and their kindergartener hit it right off. There are at least two other households that are new in Walnut Heights (and one has a neighor that waves! which delights me to no end!!!).
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Going Negative
If there is one politician I like less than Joe Lieberman, it is Ralph Nader. I hate to go so negative on The Jolly Mama, but Nader's assertion that Obama will choose Hillary Clinton as his running mate is spurious. He has no knowledge of the innerworkings of Obama's campaign. His motive is simply to rile up the HRC supporters, so when Obama announces his true choice, the HRC supporters' will feel, once again, as if they have been cheated. Also, as long as I'm being so contrary, I really don't like Dan Abrams, who strikes me as an overgrown frat boy. I think he may have dyed his hair to look more like Anderson Cooper. Raaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr!!!!
I have a pan of brownies baking in the oven. Yummmmm... Brett is out shopping for a new suit. Griffin got to stay up late tonight as we waited for his new Pokemon pajamas to dry in the laundry. But, more than any of these, I am waiting for my text message from the Obama campaign, telling me who the choice for veep is going to be. I'm slightly obsessed with the idea that the call will come at any time. The other night I asked Brett if he thought the campaign would text me during the night. The next day at work I had forgotten my phone in the car, and ran out to get it, just in case. Tonight I heard a text message come in: the Obama campaign asking for me to donate my time. It's coming soon! Earlier today, MSNBC's Firstread was focused on Senator Joe Biden as the choice, making much of his comment that he had a "successful dump" and it is being covered this evening by Keith Olberman. We are living in a land of kindergarteners. Scatological humor! Hahaha. Anyhoo, I recently signed the petition to remove Joe Lieberman from the Democratic Caucus. I resisted signing the petition at first out of concern that it might be vaguely anti-semitic (afterall, there was no outcry when Obama appeared to be interested in choosing Sen. Chuck Hagel as his veep), however, as one of the recent petitioners states so well, "I simply hate this prick!!!!!" My hope is Al Gore (in part, because this was the last prediction of Tim Russert), but we shall see.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The 100th Post
This is my 100th blog post and it seems appropriate that I should make a big announcement in it. Luckily, I have some big news! Yesterday, for the first time in my adult post-college life, I cried in front of a boss. I was giving him notice because I've accepted another job. Although I've loved being a writer/editor, the new job will allow me to be at home more. Yippee!
The whole process has been incredibly angst-producing. I hope now that a decision has been made and a course set that I will be able to attend to some of the other things in my life, such as putting together new neighbor packets and the picnic flyer for the 'hood, and having a repairman
come out to fix our garbage disposal. We're going up north this weekend with our extended family for my mother-in-law's birthday, staying in Mackinaw City and visiting the island on Saturday. I'm very excited! It's been a few years since I was on Mackinac Island, and then not under the best of circumstances.
Part of the problem of deciding between the two jobs (besides the fact that I have only been at my job for six months) is that the two are very different with vastly different positives and negatives. One of the advantages of the new job is that it will be much easier to arrange for Bela to attend Griffin's alma mater nursery school next fall. See photo at left of G on graduation day with Renae, the director of Okemos Nursery School. It's a special little place, all because of Renae and her vision, imagination, and hard work. I also hope to be able to go on field trips with Griffin's kindergarten class, something I was not able to do while he was in nursery school, first because I had a napping infant, and then because I was stuck in my office. So, I'm hoping for the best and trying to believe that I've made the right decision. Wish me luck!!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
An Un-Me Post
Well, all, I just got back from Eastwood Towne Center. I had gone there on my lunch to get a cappuccino (or maybe a mocha since I'm starting to miss their sweet, rich chocolate-y-ness), but instead I went to Ann Taylor Loft and Black House, White Market. Woohoo! ATL is having a big sale. Let me rephrase that. BIG SALE! 30% off the lowest ticketed price on sale items. (Yes, yes, I know these are summer clothes that I would only have another four weeks to wear this season. Don't rain on my parade!) The kicker is that for every $50 you spend, you get a $25 coupon to spend in the store between the end of September and middle of October. I'll have to go back with my calculator. The sale at WH/BM was only so-so, however, their selection was superb. And, the sales girls complimented me on the plaid dress I bought before Y2k. ;) Also, fyi, last week, Pottery Barn had a great sale on their outdoor pillows. Seeing the moms with their babies, toddlers, and back-to-schoolers totally kills me though.
On a somewhat unrelated note, we watched You, Me, and Dupree last night again--Goldie Hawn's daughter (why can't I ever remember her name?) was dressed very nicely in that film. The oddest thing about it was that in real life she has dated Owen Wilson and now Lance Armstrong. If you don't know why that's odd, you'll have to watch the movie. Overall, a very pleasant comedy that ends happily every after.
On a somewhat unrelated note, we watched You, Me, and Dupree last night again--Goldie Hawn's daughter (why can't I ever remember her name?) was dressed very nicely in that film. The oddest thing about it was that in real life she has dated Owen Wilson and now Lance Armstrong. If you don't know why that's odd, you'll have to watch the movie. Overall, a very pleasant comedy that ends happily every after.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Technical Issues
Okay, so I just posted some photos and the text is wonky. I could try to figure it out and fix it, but I would rather not, and really dear reader what are you more interested in??? :)
Also, I will update the lame "About" section soon. I promise! The good news is that the email function is working again (although there is a delay of about 12 hours).
Also, I will update the lame "About" section soon. I promise! The good news is that the email function is working again (although there is a delay of about 12 hours).
Bedroom Sharing

Here is one of Griffin with his new "buzz." Although this photo is not technically reflective of the summer's bedroom sharing situation, you can see Bela's Dora house in the background. I moved it to the living room so Uncle Scott could have a slightly less girly space in which to stay while here.
I like the juxtaposition of her baby cradle and the sword!
Bela's new favorite thing is to rip the books off the shelves.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Getting Out
Getting out of the house in the morning to go to work, get the children to daycamp, etc. is a bloody mess--literally, I cut my finger as I made lunches today in a hurry, despite having a reminder to prepare them last night. I also had a note on my calendar to gas up the jeep before this morning, but that didn’t happen either. By the time I dragged myself through the door of my office building, I felt as if I had been wrung through; however, when asked how I’m doing, I always reply “pretty good,” which really has no basis in reality.
It’s crazy eights day! 08-08-08. Enjoy!
It’s crazy eights day! 08-08-08. Enjoy!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Ugh! Junior Mints
Apparently I had a few too many Junior Mints during the movie. The lurching of my happy dance has made me ill. :(
I Kick Ass!
It was Jim Tavare! The goonie comedian from Last Comic Standing is Tom the hunchback in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I'm still doing my happy dance!
Blogging from the Couch
Phew! That was close!! Bela, the little stinker, just reached over and pushed the power button on my laptop. She was quite pleased with herself, too. I told her it was rude, but had to suppress a laugh. She and Griffin are wild and crazy kids.
It's friday and I am in a good mood. Brett picked up oberon on the way home. After burgers on the grill, we went to Video-to-Go, where 14 years ago I was hired to be a clerk, back in the days of laser discs. We checked out Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Little Einsteins Trip to Outer Space (or something), and Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo. I was a bit worried that all the stoners had already checked out all the copies of H&K Escape, but Brett tracked down one copy. Woohoo!
HP#3 is the last one in the series that I think is appropriate for Griffin to watch for a while, and actually now I'm not so sure. The dementors are boarding the Hogwarts Express. Like his hero, Griffin is only afraid of the "tomentors." Bela is freaked too. (I know, I know, who lets there 2 y.o. watch Harry Potter?!?!) Anyway, all is well now.
Sometimes when the weather is bad, or when I'm feeling depress-y, I think that maybe J.K. Rowling was onto something with her description of dementors. Obviously, that is what makes her such a special author; she is able to make something that is so personal accessible to a wider audience who feel as if they experience it together. No?
Prisoner of Azkaban may be one of my favorites in the series. Check out this discussion from MSN. The trailer for Half Blood Prince is now available. I wonder if Mike Newell directed this one. Ten years ago I had the opportunity to meet him during a study abroad in London. He, Ken Loach, and John Madden were tops. Just checked, it was Alfonso Cuaron.
I swear that Jim Tavare from Last Comic Standing is the hunchback at the beginning of the movie. Brett thinks that is nuts! We'll see during the credits.
This is perhaps the most mama-lovin' of the movies. I emphasized to all who would listen here tonight that Aunt Marge was blown up like a flatulent balloon b/c she insulted Harry's parents; you don't mess with a boy's mama! Now, he has heard a woman's scream that the audience knows is a memory of his mother being killed by Voldemort when he was just a baby. I always tear up when I talk to Griffin about Lily's sacrifice.
We (ok maybe just me, G, and Grandma Beth) cannot wait until the opening of the Harry Potter theme park at Walt Disney World. There is a serious lack of information on the web about the new park, else I'd link. My mom, who is a convert, knows a lot about the opening, and she has a plan for our trip in a year and a half. Griffin just told me that if we see an owl that is really crazy at Harry Potter land, we'll know it belongs to Ron Weasley. haha.
Something that I dig about the Harry Potter series is the comparison of Harry, who is heroic and resilient with Dudley Dursley, who is spoiled and helpless, and Draco Malfoy, who is a spoiled bully. The NYT's female blog stars wrote this week about two sides of this coin. Judith Warner's post, analyzing the story about sleepaway camps and helicopter parents that I cited earlier this week, shot to number one on the list of most emailed articles today. The other article was from Tara Parker Pope's health blog, which looked at a study that showed children of domestic violence affect the ability of other children to learn in a school setting. Both of which prove, in a way, what my father-in-law has always said: that morals don't exist at the top or the bottom of the economic scale. Harry Potter is a triumphant rejection of that notion. He's a middle class hero.
Professor Trelawney is a loon! I have to admit, though, that I have had some strange extra-sensory moments that are very similar to hers (really, did we have any doubt this was the case? :) I really need to add some photos to The Jolly Mama; it's starting to look a bit wordy and boring. Sorry 'bout that.
One new bit of exciting news, related to our family's other obsession, is that Angelina Jolie is in talks to become Catwoman in the next Batman movie! How perfect is that. Now, her partner needs to star in The Fountainhead. I've always thought he would be perfect for the role; I actually think he may have been in his own development talks about this plan (but I may have dreamt that bit of news).
It's friday and I am in a good mood. Brett picked up oberon on the way home. After burgers on the grill, we went to Video-to-Go, where 14 years ago I was hired to be a clerk, back in the days of laser discs. We checked out Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Little Einsteins Trip to Outer Space (or something), and Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo. I was a bit worried that all the stoners had already checked out all the copies of H&K Escape, but Brett tracked down one copy. Woohoo!
HP#3 is the last one in the series that I think is appropriate for Griffin to watch for a while, and actually now I'm not so sure. The dementors are boarding the Hogwarts Express. Like his hero, Griffin is only afraid of the "tomentors." Bela is freaked too. (I know, I know, who lets there 2 y.o. watch Harry Potter?!?!) Anyway, all is well now.
Sometimes when the weather is bad, or when I'm feeling depress-y, I think that maybe J.K. Rowling was onto something with her description of dementors. Obviously, that is what makes her such a special author; she is able to make something that is so personal accessible to a wider audience who feel as if they experience it together. No?
Prisoner of Azkaban may be one of my favorites in the series. Check out this discussion from MSN. The trailer for Half Blood Prince is now available. I wonder if Mike Newell directed this one. Ten years ago I had the opportunity to meet him during a study abroad in London. He, Ken Loach, and John Madden were tops. Just checked, it was Alfonso Cuaron.
I swear that Jim Tavare from Last Comic Standing is the hunchback at the beginning of the movie. Brett thinks that is nuts! We'll see during the credits.
This is perhaps the most mama-lovin' of the movies. I emphasized to all who would listen here tonight that Aunt Marge was blown up like a flatulent balloon b/c she insulted Harry's parents; you don't mess with a boy's mama! Now, he has heard a woman's scream that the audience knows is a memory of his mother being killed by Voldemort when he was just a baby. I always tear up when I talk to Griffin about Lily's sacrifice.
We (ok maybe just me, G, and Grandma Beth) cannot wait until the opening of the Harry Potter theme park at Walt Disney World. There is a serious lack of information on the web about the new park, else I'd link. My mom, who is a convert, knows a lot about the opening, and she has a plan for our trip in a year and a half. Griffin just told me that if we see an owl that is really crazy at Harry Potter land, we'll know it belongs to Ron Weasley. haha.
Something that I dig about the Harry Potter series is the comparison of Harry, who is heroic and resilient with Dudley Dursley, who is spoiled and helpless, and Draco Malfoy, who is a spoiled bully. The NYT's female blog stars wrote this week about two sides of this coin. Judith Warner's post, analyzing the story about sleepaway camps and helicopter parents that I cited earlier this week, shot to number one on the list of most emailed articles today. The other article was from Tara Parker Pope's health blog, which looked at a study that showed children of domestic violence affect the ability of other children to learn in a school setting. Both of which prove, in a way, what my father-in-law has always said: that morals don't exist at the top or the bottom of the economic scale. Harry Potter is a triumphant rejection of that notion. He's a middle class hero.
Professor Trelawney is a loon! I have to admit, though, that I have had some strange extra-sensory moments that are very similar to hers (really, did we have any doubt this was the case? :) I really need to add some photos to The Jolly Mama; it's starting to look a bit wordy and boring. Sorry 'bout that.
One new bit of exciting news, related to our family's other obsession, is that Angelina Jolie is in talks to become Catwoman in the next Batman movie! How perfect is that. Now, her partner needs to star in The Fountainhead. I've always thought he would be perfect for the role; I actually think he may have been in his own development talks about this plan (but I may have dreamt that bit of news).
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