It is "Qbo Day" at our house. Qbo is the name of the educational children's programming that airs on Saturday mornings on NBC. We don't actually watch many of those shows, preferring the uneducational shows on the KidsWB. It starts at 7 a.m. with Will & Dewit, followed by Magi Nation, and then Skunk Fu. I'm hoping to get everyone out before the full hour of the violent classic Tom & Jerry Tales. :)
Today the plan is to ride bikes over to the Farmer's Market. We'll swing past the post office and mail Uncle Scott's graduation gift from my parents--U.Scott is now Dr. Pickett, he received his Ph.D. two weeks ago and will be moving back to Michigan from the big city at the end of the summer. Woohoo! We spent Sunday at the fabulous Lincoln Park Zoo. Check out one of Griffin's pictures of a lizard.

It's been a busy month! The weekend of Mother's Day we went to suburban Detroit to see my very good friend Megan and her family. Her little peanut, Lucas, turned one this month! I miss my buddy Megan. She and I have been friends since our freshman year at MSU (15 years at the end of this summer!!!). I have so many good memories of our time together at school. Probably my favorite is the last night of our freshman year when we rode our bikes out to the east side of campus and laid in the grass of the traffic circle talking about life. Anyway, check out the bibs she turned me on to--BPA free!
Well, the sky is getting darker and darker; Tom & Jerry has been on for 15 minutes; I think my plans are screwed. :( Look for another post soon. There is a bunch of stuff I want to write about!