This morning was challenging. The dog, aptly named Rodan after the monster who terrorizes Japan in Godzilla movies, escaped the yard when my neighbor's poor dad tried to give her a playdate with his pup. We took chase, after bundling Bela into her jogging stroller and Griffin, shoes. After a fab walk through the neighborhood (something that makes Griffin usually complain bitterly), another neighbor was able to lure Rodan to her.
Since Bela was well-past the time for a morning nap, I decided to make it a library day. We gathered up our borrowed books and hit the road. I saw a "green" acquaintance walking with her young'uns, perhaps to the library, as I pulled onto Burcham Drive in my SUV. But, really, the library is way too far to make Griffin walk. I have considered putting him on Brett's skateboard and then bungee-cording him to the jogger.
Anyway, there were no parking spots at the lib because today was Cirque de Soleil/Saltimbanco. How could I have missed this?!? I am sure it was not in the library's newsletter. Just checked and I am gratified to say it was not listed (gratified because I could almost imagine overlooking it, thinking it would be "lame") but why? It was, however, posted on the new sign. I guess I'll have to start driving down Abbot Road a bit more. Yes, that is spelled correctly. The city dropped the second "t" this week.
So, we hit the open road for Video-to-Go. I really wanted to get the George Clooney Batman movie. And we were able to get the silent, original version of Nosferatu on DVD! Plus a Batman Beyond animated movie for Griffin (he promises to cover his eyes during scary parts), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and
Tsotsi. There is one more ... I'll have to go look in my big bag. Griffin, god love him, never stopped talking this morning and Bela was crawling off, pulling videos off the shelf and squealing, so I was a bit distracted. Hell, the fifth movie could be Debbie Does Dallas, for all I know (hahaha).
The Jolly Mama "test" came as we left Frandor to come home for lunch. As I turned my car through the parking lot, a young woman on a cell phone driving a red, late model Chevy, pulled out right in front of me. No big deal. But she took forever trying to get her car straight because she refused to hang up the phone. Okay, no big deal. Now, I *should* have realized that this young woman was already making poor decisions and, responsibly, just kept my big trap shut ... but I didn't. As I pulled around her car, I said, very calmly, "You pulled out in front of me." Without putting down the phone, she says "I'm sorry (slightly hysterically)." Great, this is the part Griffin hears. Then, as I am already past her, I alone hear the unutterable, unrepeatable curse on me. Mouth WIDE open! Two words, both bad, and certainly not to be repeated in front of
my kids.
I was quite perturbed and the pre-Jolly Mama part of me imagined scenes of vengeance. Of tracking her car down somewhere in the lot and ramming it. Not good. As I mentioned, I was in the SUV (would I have done it in the Jeep?). Or chasing her and sticking my car keys right in ... well, anyway, these are not in line with what my inner mother knows to be right action.
Over lunch I explained to Griffin why I was upset, even though "that lady said she was sorry." I told Griffin that she called me a very bad name and that is not acceptable to me. And, I told him that she was making bad decisions. On the way to school, when we were still talking about the Woman in the Parking Lot, Griffin said "I wish she would make good decisions today." Which then gave me the opportunity to teach a valuable lesson - I suggested we think about her and send her good energy so that she will feel good inside today and start making better decisions. Is this wisdom? Or more of my liberal la la?